Nearing the end of the season
Almost done collecting pods, only about a dozen more left now.
Apart from the H. citrina crosses detailed below, other parents that I have used this year are:
- 'Wilson Spider' (Oakes 1987) 7.5"/28" M DOR Registered as Spider
(only 2 pods set for me! Must move this to a better spot.)
Most are not the 'latest and greatest'... however, I have tried to make crosses that haven't been done before. Many of these have proven to produce interesting children, so I hope that by combining their genes in new ways, I will end up a couple of 'keepers'.
Some of the ones that I'm quite keen to see are the (Ra Hansen x Chesiere's Lunar Moth) and (Pandora's Box x Chesiere's Lunar Moth). I hope that CLM will give some movement to some of seedlings, and that the colours come through from RH & PB. See here one of CLM's 'looks' and see previous post for another photo.

I really like the open, reflexed, graceful flowers of 'Harbor Blue' - even though it is an old variety, it has a grace that I would like to have in my seedlings.
I've crossed 'Talon' back to 'Prague Spring', as well as using it with some of Lambert's other intros, like 'Asterisk' (another nice spatulate form) and 'Aquamarine'. From what I've learned, the colour on these seedlings will probably not be very good. But if I can get some good forms, I can cross later to get the colour I want.
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