PINK SATIN (Bach 1947) ML 40" DOR 4:1 deep rosy pink spider variant with up to 66 buds, 6" blooms and narrow, deep green leaves.
ORCHID CORSAGE (Saxton 75) ML 32" DOR 7½" orchid lavender cascade UFo with yellow starburst throat that almost always appears on the Region 4 popularity poll. A vigorous increaser that makes stout scapes, it is the pod parent of LILAC DREAM, SHAKER DANCE, and DAWN FALCON, pollen parent of BELLE OF AMHERST, JERRY'S WHIRLIGIG, JINGO JANGLE, LATELY LOVING YOU and RIVERHILLS, and a grandparent of CRY OF REJOICE, DICK KITCHINGMAN, JUNGLE FOWL, KAHOOL AWE, KILAUEA, MAHUKONA, STRATOVOLCANO, THORHALLA and WILD SACHSEN -- in other words, it's a great parent (LAVENDER TOUCH X EMPEROR'S ROBE).