Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Seedling (#99) x Satin Bird

SEEDLING #99 (Dallas Star seedling x Trahlyta) Medium-tall, clear lavender with a creamy watermarked eye, which you can't really see because of how the light was hitting the bloom. My hand is there to just tip the bloom out of direct sunlight. Olive green throat. 6" bloom. Average budcounts but very good scapes.


SATIN BIRD (Childs) 1982 DOR DIP I've seen pictures of Satin Bird with a range of color from a clear raspberry to a more reddish purple as it appears in my garden. Open form triangular shaped bitone with narrow petals. violet with a darker violet triangular eyezone surrounding a lighter watermark. Occasionally produces very late blooming kids. Like Trahlyta, it does not necessarily produce eyed kids. Midseason. 6-7” bloom. 35-28” scape.

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