Monday, April 30, 2007

Persiflage x Summer Wind

PERSIFLAGE (Lambert) 1989 DOR DIP (Aquamarine X Patricia Wheeler) Lovely flowers in a dark pinky lavender with an overcast of blue with a blue-lavender eyezone. Cream throat that extends far out onto the petals and sepals. Early midseason, 6.25” bloom, 36” scape. Pod parent of Chanson De Pan.


SUMMER WIND (Bryant) 1982 DOR DIP (Amy Stewart X Sdlg) Rose pink blends to pale creamy yellow and into a triangular creamy chartreuse throat that deepens in color as it goes to the heart. Gorgeous gentle ruffling. Reblooms with extended bloom. Midseason, 7” blooms, 30 inch scapes.

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